Saturday, 8 November 2014

Defenses : Boom Cannon

BoomCannon 1BoomCannon 2
BoomCannon 7
BoomCannon 10
BoomCannon 11
Level 1Level 2-5Level 6-9Level 10Level 11-14

  • Summary
    • The Boom Cannon is the sixth defense to unlock in the game.
    • The Boom Cannon is one of the strongest defenses in the game and is very effective against high health troops, such as Tanks or Heavies.

  • Offensive Strategy
    • When attacking Boom Cannons, be sure to either destroy them upfront with a Barrage orArtillery, or limit your time in range of them without them being shocked. A Boom Cannon picking off your large units can ruin an attack.
    • Boom Cannons have a long reload time, so they can easily be taken out by a group of small troops.
    • It is possible for Tanks to avoid the shots of a Boom Cannon on the opposite side of theHeadquarters unless it is right up against the Headquarters. If there is even one space between the Boom Cannon and the Headquarters, your Tanks will be out of range on the opposite side if you maneuver them correctly.
  • Defensive Strategy
    • Once a total of 4 Boom Cannons are available, it is effective to place them in a diamond or square formation in your base well distanced so that it covers as much of your island as possible.
      • On the other hand, you may want to place them all close to your Headquarters to prevent attackers from avoiding certain Boom Cannons entirely simply by attacking the base from the opposite side.
    • Do not place your Boom Cannons in front of all your other buildings like many people do. Boom Cannons are most effective when they are able to take advantage of their long range and target attackers' troops for long periods of time.

  • Upgrade Differences
    • Initially, the Boom Cannon is a gray structure with a stone base surrounded by sandbags. It has brown plating, valves on both the side and the back, as well as a long barrel.
    • At level 6, the Boom Cannon gains a thicker barrel and slightly darker colored plating and barrel. The sandbags around the base are removed.
    • At level 10, the Boom Cannon gains a metal base, an even thicker barrel, tubes at the back, and darker colored plating.
    • At level 11, the Boom Cannon gains a heavily armored base.

  • Trivia
    • The Boom Cannon is the slowest-firing of the single-target defenses, but causes the most damage per shot of any defense (with the exception of the Boom Mine, which is a single-use item).
    • Although the Boom Cannon does double damage to Tanks, if both Tanks and other troops are in its range, it simply targets whichever is closest and doesn't prioritize Tanks.
Headquarters Level1234567891011121314151617181920
Number Available00000000000112223334
Building Size SizeRangeAttack SpeedDamage TypeSpecial Ability
3x3144 SecondsSingleDeals double damage to tanks
Damage Per Second
Damage Per ShotDamageUpgrade CostUpgrade Time
Headquarters Level Required
Xp Gain
Icon info xp
Wood WoodStone StoneIron Iron
1210,0007422,9682,040,0001,980,0001,560,0001d 2h1963
1311,0008163,2642,260,0002,270,0002,260,0001d 8h2067
1412,1008983,5922,470,0002,470,0002,460,0001d 12h2070


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